All Time Lists

Who is the quickest is always an interesting discussion

Even though there are no trophies or prize money, brand pride and bragging rights are based on the best times turned. Since 2013, any driver running quicker than 11.50 is disqualified and their times are disallowed

These lists are the culmination of all runs since 1998 and 
are posted here for your entertainment only
Though cars that are built to the rules are more than capable of running sub 11.5 times, track insurance will not allow any runs under that time 
A "small block" is defined as a motor with 360 cid or less,
naturally aspirated or forced induction 
Special recognition for those who choose to row the gears in their musclecar 
Small blocks and 4 speeds...things that just go together
  Getting the jump on the competition is a key to success
Even when you are cubically challenged 

Or launching with a clutch pedal

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